Universita di Genova

Andrea Lira Loarca

Fixed-term researcher RTD-A in Climate change effects on maritime climate and coastal impacts @ MeteOcean
Università di Genova

Andrea Lira Loarca
  • Climate change

    Researching changes in wave climate, storm surges, & extreme coastal water levels due to climate change.

  • Numerical models

    Employing high-resolution numerical models to simulate waves & storm surges, enhancing accuracy in predicting coastal impacts.

  • Coastal impacts

    Studyin coastal impacts, spotlighting erosion, flooding, long-term shoreline shifts, and infrastructure damage.

About me

Coastal and climate change scientist

I’m dedicated to researching the impact of climate change on maritime climate and coastal areas. I have a strong background in wave-wind-structure interaction and statistical methods, particularly in simulating storm events and employing advanced multivariate techniques. Through my research, I strive to advance our understanding of climate change’s effects on coastal areas and develop strategies to address these challenges. Thank you for visiting, and stay tuned for more updates on my research!

Bio & resume

My research journey and credentials

Download PDF updated Sept. 2023


Exploring climate change’s effects on the ocean and coastal regions

My research comprises:
Climate change effects on coastal climate
Numerical modeling of waves and storm surge
Coastal impacts: erosion, and shoreline evolution
Multivariate stochastic simulation techniques
Wave-Wind-Structure interaction
Evolution of storm events
Probabilistic analyses


When one teaches, two learn

In my teaching, I strive to provide students with a solid foundation in the subject matter and equip them with practical skills. In the Coastal Structures and Shore Protection course, I cover the essentials of coastal engineering, aiming to help students understand the basics of shoreline protection. In the Climate Change: Processes and Modeling course, I delve into the science of climate change, focusing on its fundamental mechanisms and modeling techniques. In the Python for Scientists course, I introduce students to programming for scientific research and analysis. My goal is to make these subjects accessible and to foster a lasting interest in them among my students.


Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much

I collaborate with a diverse group of experts in coastal research and climate change. This interdisciplinary team includes coastal engineers, oceanographers, climate scientists, and environmentalists. Together, we work on cutting-edge research, leveraging our collective expertise to address the complex challenges in these fields. Our collaborations strengthen our research and foster a dynamic community dedicated to making a meaningful impact on coastal and climate issues.


Institutions and companies supporting my research

My research thrives thanks to the generous support of institutions and funding agencies. Their investments provide essential resources, collaborative opportunities, and financial backing, enabling me to explore critical questions in coastal research and climate change.