Universita di Genova

Andrea Lira Loarca and Paula Nuñez at Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos

Ibiza 8th and 9th of May 2024


PHOTO-2024-05-08-10-39-57 - Andrea Lira Loarca - [Dispositivo di visualizzazione Evento Accessorio per proiettore]

Andrea Lira Loarca and Paula Nuñez participated in the Spanish Meeting of Coasts and Ports held in Ibiza, Spain, between May 8th and 9th.

Andrea presented MeteOcean numerical models and datasets and their use in coastal engineering and management with her presentation, titled "Hindcast y Proyecciones de oleaje en el Mar Mediterráneo: Implicaciones para la Gestión de Puertos y Costas”.

Paula Nuñez, a visiting researcher in 2022 presented the research she has been doing in collaboration with UniGe, on microplastic, delving into advancements in numerical modelling of marine plastic waste. Her presentation, "Avances en el modelado numérico de residuos plásticos marinos: algunas consideraciones sobre su forma, flotabilidad y biofouling," provided insights into the characteristics and dynamics of marine plastic pollution, paving the way for innovative solutions.